Net Worth Update – July 2018

July was another good month, with a sizable net worth increase of 8.6 percent. If you notice, I’ve been able to fund my various savings goals. Not sure if I noted elsewhere, but I have the following electronic sinking funds in addition to my emergency fund:

  • Semi-annual bills
  • Clothing
  • Home Goods
  • Gifts
  • Gadgets
  • Travel
Liquid Assets Start End $ Change
Cash & Checking $1,418 $1,703 +$285
Emergency Fund $4,818  $5,369 +$551
Savings Goals $365 $719 +$354
Brokerage Accts $1,203 $1,234 +$31
Illiquid Assets Start End $ Change
Savings Bonds $1,453 $1,429 ($24)
Home Equity $16,455 $17,015 +$560
401K $34,236 $36,291 +$2,055
Roth IRA $23,461 $24,000  +$539
Liabilities Start End $ Change
Credit Cards ($387) $0 ($387)
Loans ($15,809) ($14,760) +$1,049
Net Worth $67,213 $73,000 +$5,787
% Change +8.6%


On July 31 I realized I was well under budget, so I splurged on a $130 glass personal blender I had been eyeballing for the last few months. I’m trying to move away from plastics, chemicals and processed foods due to the health issues that I have. I’ve slowly been making this shift over the past 4 years. I don’t think it’s helping but, oh well.

Category Budgeted Actual Remaining
(1) Bills & Utilities $275 $253 $22 under
(2) Food $300 $183 $117 under
(3) Medical $- $526 $-
(4) Everything Else $300 $388 $88 over
Total (1+2+4) $875  $824 $51 under

Following my new budget has made things so much easier. If you don’t recall, I increased my “Food”and “Everything Else” budget by $100 each last month. After the blender purchase I still ended up being $51 under budget. Here’s to hoping August is just as easy.  Apologies for not posting anything other than the boring net worth posts. One of these days I’ll get this health stuff under control so I can move on with my life.

3 thoughts on “Net Worth Update – July 2018

  1. Nice job increasing the assets. How is the blender working out? Moving away from all those things you listed is tough. Especially plastic. When I become conscious on plastic use I realized it in practically everything. Kudos for making an effort on decreasing all those things.


    • Thanks! I’m really loving the glass blender 🙂 I think the last (major) thing left for me to upgrade is my set of pots and pans. I’ve also learned that buying chemical-free products means the items generally hold up much better, so there’s some long-run cost savings.

      Liked by 1 person

      • when you do get your pans, I am curious to hear how they work with regards to non-stick. I usually cook 80% out of my cast iron pan. Not so good for flipping eggs.


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